I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday vacation! I am back in the studio, working on my new ideas. Since everyone responded really well to my "egg" piece from my JAPR show, I have been working on taking that shape to the next level. I have been looking at textures in nature for inspiration and for the last few days, this is what came of it.
My barnacle egg, not completed, but close. Very tedious work, but worth it. This is just a practice run for a much bigger one.

I am also making a few small models for my next pieces, maybe 1/20 the size of my final piece.

My honey comb egg? Maybe, I just loved the pattern and the repetition for this one, not done. This is just the base, I will be adding something to it.

This is one that perplexes even me, but I wanted these branches to be coming out of the egg, like tentacles, then I was experimenting with a light slip over the smooth surface to make it wavy.